2020 has come with many changes to the norm and this includes childbirth. Support people not being able to be present at appointments, ultrasounds and at times the actual birth has sent everyone scrambling for a new normal.
Childbirth does not have to be scary, but this virus is making it just that for many people.
Every hospital is handling this virus differently, this is what is normal for my hospital and what you can do to help ease your mind. One support person is allowed with the laboring mother if they are symptom free. There is no changing of your support person the entire stay. Every day they must be asked questions again and go through another temperature check.
Masks are given upon entering the hospital and they are always to be worn in the hospital except when your nurse leaves your room. Yes, this includes wearing it in your room if any staff are present. We understand that this is difficult especially when it comes to pushing time. We do not want to wear the mask anymore than you do but for everyone’s safety we need to comply. At any time that you need a break, please tell your nurse and we will step out of the room so that you can catch your breath and regroup.
I personally have always been a “hands on” nurse and enjoy being at the bedside getting to know my patient and doing my best to grant them the labor and delivery that they desire. During this time, I have had to try to stay out of the room more than normal so that my laboring mother can take her mask off and enjoy this special time. I hate this but I want a healthy mom and a healthy baby in the end.
People are still allowed to walk the halls if their mask is covering the nose and mouth. Depending on the time of day you deliver, either your doctor/midwife or a partner will deliver your baby.
Many people are scared going into hospitals and this is not what we want. We are doing the best we can to keep everyone safe. We are still the same amazing, caring, educated nurses we always have been!
Many parents are finding they are enjoying the peace of not having constant visitors and enjoying those special moments with just them. I have seen more Facetiming and video calling than ever before to allow other people to be “present” during this special time. Another option is using aromatherapy to calm your nerves and help you with this added stress.
Remain confident in your body and what you want from your labor & delivery. There might be a virus going on, but nothing changes the joy you will have when you meet your baby!
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